Transnational China Project
The Transnational China Project develops innovative approaches to the study of contemporary China through the use of advanced technologies and by means of new forms of both personal and inter-institutional collaboration. The central goal of this interdisciplinary research effort is to identify, bring together, make accessible, and analyze the multiplicity of views emerging from the complex interplay between the forces of both global and local change. In doing so, this initiative seeks not only to clarify the issues involved in these debates but also to contribute to the debates themselves.
New Cultural Imaginaries
New Cultural Imaginaries: Cosmopolitan Sensibilities and Alternative Modernities in the Pan-Asian Context was the Fourth International Conference on Cultural Criticism. It took place on January 5-9, 1998, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
Cooganizers: Stephen Chan, Benjamin Lee, Dilip Gaonkar, Leo Lee
Participants: Alberta Arthurs, Stephen Chan, Allen Chun, Fu Daiwie, E. Valentine Daniel, Eugene Eoyang, Dilip Gaonkar, Nilufer Gole, Miriam Hansen, Wang Hui, Wu Hung, Wong Kin-yuen, Benjamin Lee, Leo Lee, Meaghan Morris, Tejaswini Niranjana, Huang Ping, Lisa Rofel, Man Si-wai, Yu Siu-wah, Charles Taylor, Timothy Weiss, Law Wing-sang, Chu Yiu-wai
Citizenship under Duress
April 11-12, 1997
108 Harris Hall, Northwestern University
Oganizer: Dilip Gaonkar
Participants: Lauren Berlant, James Bohman, Craig Calhoun, William Connolly, Dilip Gaonkar, Adam Green, Bonnie Honig, Benjamin Lee, Michael Leff, Claudio Lomnitz, Achille Mbembe, Thomas McCarthy, S. Sara Monoson, John Durham Peters, Bruce Robbins, Charles Taylor, Kamala Visweswaran, Michael Warner, Mimi White
Cultural Politics
"What Is Cultural Politics? Transnational Perspectives on a Contemporary Question"
May 15-16, 1998
Norris University Center, #1E, Northwestern University
Oganizer: Dilip Gaonkar
Participants: Ackbar Abbas, Amanda Anderson, Lisa Duggan, Dilip Gaonkar, G. Thomas Goodnight, Bonnie Honig, Laura Kipnis, Jules Law, Benjamin Lee, Michael Leff, Steven Mailloux, Charles Mills, Elizabeth Povinelli, Bruce Robbins, Regina Schwartz, Michael Steinberg, Ravi Vasudevan, Andrew Wachtel