Critical Multiculturalism
and International Cultural Studies


Supported by a grant from the MacArthur Foundation
Critical Multiculturalism Project, November 1990-1995

Organizer: Michael Warner.
Participants: Lauren Berlant, John Brenkman, David Bunn, Vinay Dharwadker, Nancy Fraser, Dilip Gaonkar, Miriam Hansen, Marilyn Ivy, Myra Jehlen, Laura Kipnis, Benjamin Lee, Leo Oufan Lee, Xinmin Liu, Mathew Roberts, Sharon Stephens, Susan Stewart, Xiaobing Tang, Jane Taylor, Katie Trumpener, Greg Urban, Michael Warner, Bernard Weissbourd, Jane Zha.

Cultural Forms and Public Spheres, January 1991-1995

Coorganizers: John Brenkman, William Hanks, Michael Warner.
Participants: Hugo Achugar, Lauren Berlant, John Bowen, John Brenkman, David Bunn, Vinay Dharwadker, Jean Franco, Dilip Gaonkar, William Hanks, Miriam Hansen, Marilyn Ivy, Myra Jehlen, Carla Kaplan, Benjamin Lee, Leo Oufan Lee, Xinmin Liu, Mathew Roberts, Sharon Stephens, Susan Stewart, Xiaobing Tang, Jane Taylor, Greg Urban, Michael Warner, Bernard Weissbourd, Jane Zha.

Voices of Authority and Cultural Pluralism Conference, February, 1988

Participants: Arjun Appadurai, Wayne Booth, Craig Calhoun, Vincent Crapanzano, Joe Errington, George Hogenson, Jane Kramer, Benjamin Lee, John Lucy, Thomas McCarthy, Elizabeth Mertz, Leo Oufan Lee, Richard Parmentier, Moishe Postone, Larry Rosen, Michael Silverstein, Milton Singer, Charles Taylor, Greg Urban, Bernard Weissbourd, James Wertsch, James White.

Cultural Studies Project, June-August 1990

Organizer: Michael Warner.
Participants: Lauren Berlant, John Brenkman, David Bunn, Vinay Dharwadker, Norma Fields, Dilip Gaonkar, Jerry Graff, Marilyn Ivy, Benjamin Lee, Leo Oufan Lee, Xinmin Liu, Mathew Roberts, Sharon Stephens, Katie Trumpener, Greg Urban, Michael Warner, Bernard Weissbourd, Jane Zha, Jueliang Zhou.

This project resulted in the essay "Critical Multiculturalism," published in the journal Critical Inquiry (volume 18, number 3, Spring 1992).

Literary Theory and Social Science Project, January 1987-1988

Coorganizers: John Brenkman, William Hanks, Michael Warner.
Participants: Richard Bauman, Lauren Berlant, John Bowen, John Brenkman, Vincent Crapanzano, Vinay Dharwadker, Joe Errington, Nancy Fraser, Stephen Gabel, William Hanks, George Hogenson, Loren Kruger, Benjamin Lee, Lawrence Lipking, Thomas McCarthy, Saul Morson, Leo Oufan Lee, Greg Urban, Michael Warner, Bernard Weissbourd.

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